Friday, October 11, 2013

Ultimate Factories: Lamborghini

The fabulous Lamborghini, my dream car
If I came into a financial windfall tomorrow, my first indulgent purchase would be a sleek scissor-doored custom-made Lamborghini, and to anyone who also loves or admires this car, this is a priceless episode of National Geographic's Ultimate Factories to own. This is the only high end superstar automobile that is lovingly and uniquely constructed almost entirely by hand, and this DVD walks you through each factory worker's pride-filled job with in-depth description and explanation. The Lamborghini has just one large factory in a small northern Italian town called Sant'Agata near Bologna, and this program highlights the assembly of just one variety, the lighter weight carbon Murcielago SV priced at $450,000. Each car is custom built to the buyer's specifications, in any color desired, with beautiful leather and/or lightweight synthetic interiors that are painstakingly hand-sewn by talented upholsterers. The show unfolds with one assembly stage after another, for example the paint...

Great documentary video!
I saw this on TV (NatGeo, I believe) & I just HAD to have a copy of the DVD! It's a real Tour de Force on how the car is made & how the factory runs. It really shows the quality, care, & craftsmanship that goes into the car. Beautifully done!

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