Monday, October 21, 2013

Blood Night: The Legend Of Mary Hatchet [HD]

Celebrating Blood Night
In recent years, the horror genre has been plagued by more duds than gems. For every decent slasher film, there are scores of movies that barely deserve a second glance, much less a full viewing.

The reason for this is a conflict of interests that rarely compromise with each other. On one end, we have low budgeted movies that try to bring us back to the golden age of horror(circa the 1970s and 1980s) with their gritty kill-shots, fountains of blood, and enough bare breasts to make Hugh Hefner blush. On the other end we have high-gloss production houses putting out cookie-cutter horror stories, many with the dreaded PG-13 stamp.

With the release of Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet, we are given the best of both worlds; a movie made by fans(in horror afficionado/director Frank Sabatella), for fans, and with a dynamic production value to capture the guts, glory, and breasts, of the film for a stellar visual effect.

The story is as follows: A...

Good Slasher with a retro feel
Blood Night "The Legend Of Mary Hatchet"

This movie starts off full speed ahead with a flashback of young Mary murdering her family in their home, action and gore galore.

Flash to the mental institution some years later where Mary is being held because she cant stand trial due to reasons of insanity.

Enter a fat gross mental ward worker who is taunting Mary asking her if she wants to "in his words" Goo Goo Gaa Gaa his Loli Pop..
She is raped and a child is conceived.

The staff informs Mary that her child died during childbirth after that Mary breaks loose and kills the staff ,after the carnage she is standing out front of the institution holding the severed head of the man who raped her ,is gunned down and killed by the police.

Now flash to what they call Blood night where teenagers celebrate the night that Mary killed her family.

You have a bunch of obnoxious teens talking about their penises ,getting laid and...

A Pleasent Suprise for Fans of the Slasher film!
And who doesn't love a good slasher flic?... If your still reading this review then you like myself have had the fortunate(or unfortunate)pleasure of viewing many good, bad & great examples of this sub-genre. We all have different opinions and appreciate different flavors, but we who enjoy this kind of film mostly have common expectations or similar standards when it comes to what makes a keeper. My favorite kind of slasher films are the ones that succeed in keeping you scared and on the edge of your seat until the credits role, but unfortunately they dont make those kind as often as I'd like. My second favorite kind are far more common and these are the ones that are fun, silly & sexy with a hint of fear and a healthy dose of blood & gore. Blood Night: the Legend of Mary Hatchet falls perfectly into this second catagory. While the film is easily more predictable & fun than it is scary it does at times muster up some creepy atmosphere and the acting is above average in some areas...

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