Monday, October 14, 2013

April Morning

April Morning
Movies made from novels rarely do the novel justice. In the case of April Morning, the movie does live up to its predecessor (written by Howard Fast), and in some places improves upon the story.
April Morning is a story that takes place over the course of about 24 hours. The story focuses on two Lexington families, the Coopers and the Simmons, and how the "Shot Heard Round the World" affects their lives. The director chose to narrow the focus of the story and omitted some of the characters from the book. The story is mainly about the coming of age of Adam Cooper, a 15 year old boy who thinks that being allowed to join the Lexington militia will be the greatest day of his life.
Adam's father, Moses, is a strict man, who has the habit of being very honest with God in prayer. He tells Adam later that he is hard on Adam because he wants him to grow up strong. He does not believe that men should tell their sons that they love them, but through eavesdropping on his parents'...

April Morning
May not be 100% historically accurate in the course of the events, but it gives a good feel of the period. Certainly the best movie based on the American Revolution yet made (even though it was a Halmark Made for TV movie and not a "block buster" like Gibson's "The Patriot.") The VHS copy that I made during its first (only?) broadcast on Halmark's Hall of Fame is just about worn out from repeat viewing. Glad that a DVD version is now available.

This is probably one of the best movies ever made about the events of 19 April 1775, which SHOULD be formally proclaimed as a national holiday, to be properly observed with picnics, plays, parades, and pyrotechnics.

Why don't more Americans realize the importance of the very FIRST battle in the American Revolutionary War for Independence?

Why don't more Americans recognize the unbelievably bodacious courage of that small band of local farmers and merchants who dared to face the largest, best trained, best equipped, and most powerful army in the world?

Get this movie and watch it.

Share it with your friends and family.

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