Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Official Story [1985] [DVD]

The Story Of Us
As and argentinian citizen, I think this is the one of the most representative film about us, ever made. The screenplay shows in a very close way, the dark years of our history, when democracy was just a dream. Norma Aleandro and Hector Alteiro are simply perfect in their roles and the music of Atilio Stampone is oustanding. The first (and by the moment, the only) Oscar for Best Foreing Language Film, to Argentina. I'm really proud that people around the world could appreciate this magnificent film.

La Historia Oficial as a teaching tool
I used this film in my upper level high school Spanish class. The students, without exception, immediately became emotionally involved with the characters and the powerful story line. They could not believe this was a part of history they were not aware of and even questioned their history teachers as to why there is no mention of this in their classrooms.

Along with the movie, we did extensive research on the "desaparecidos" and they read a few real stories of children who had been "adopted" only to find out as adults that their entire life had been a lie.

What surprised my students most of all was the relatively lenient treatment the perpetrators of this heinous crime received after being found guilty.

This movie, and topic, is suitable for an upper level high school class (4th year and up). I recommend that you prepare the students beforehand by doing some research on the topic and period of Argentinian history. It would also be valuable to...

a flawless masterpiece
Very few films have reached this level of excellence. This multiple award winner (Oscar, Cannes, etc.), is magnificently directed by Luis Puenzo and superbly acted by everyone in the cast (Norma Leandro is extraordinary). The beauty of the cinematography, with its sharp contrasts of red and blue, the editing, the's all a marvel.

One of the things this film is about is how the truth can unravel a seemingly "perfect" situation when it's based on wrong motives and actions.

This film will capture won't just watch it, you'll live it. Don't miss this incredibly powerful cinematic experience.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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