Saturday, October 12, 2013

Death Warmed Up [Region 2]

"Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Place death in center rack 14-16 minutes."
Michael picked a bad time to be late for work in the neurosurgery department. His punishment? Suspension? Verbal warning? Heck, no, try becoming a test subject for Dr. Howell's out of control experimentation on "curing" death! After the results makes Michael go on a mini killing spree and being placed in a psyche ward, the mad doctor moves and sets up shop on a remote island. Seven years later, Michael (now with bleach blonde hair) is released from the cuckoo's nest and plans a "vacation" with a group of friends on a certain island retreat where certain experiments are still being conducted. Purely coincidental... not. This low budgeter from further down under (New Zealand) has ample bloody FX to appease the gorehounds and enough oddball characters to keep attention spans riveted, only to be unsatisfied in the end once it's realized there was nobody in the film to really care about that much in the first place. 5.25/10

Michael Hurst is the only good thing about this movie
A typical, low-budget horror film whose plot leaves alot to be desired. Michael Hurst is definately the only thing that makes this movie worth watching. He does a good job and certainly is easy on the eyes.

Loved the shower scene
While the movie was rather predictable, (blood, gore, killer) I really liked the actor that was in it. Michael Hurst made this movie come alive! :-) Its worth buying to see him in action. If you like Hercules:TLJ, this is a must see!! Desperate Remedies is another video to buy if you like Hurst. You can buy it at Amazon, too.

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